The Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo and BAHR invite to a seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Norwegian Transparency Act (åpenhetsloven)

Corporate social responsibility is an area that is rapidly gaining attention. The issue of companies’ accountability for the whole value chain is raised with increased frequency, particularly as far as concerns violations incurred abroad by subsidiaries or suppliers.
The EU is working on an extensive regulation of the matter. In February 2022 the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.
Among the international instruments on the area, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Conduct are particularly significant. The Guidelines and Guidance are increasingly being implemented in domestic legislation, among others in Norway with the Transparency Act of 2021.
The seminar gathers Norwegian and international experts and practitioners for discussions around these topics. Confirmed speakers include representatives from the University of Oslo, the University Panthéon-Assas, the University Sorbonne, the Norwegian OECD National Contact Point, The Norwegian Consumer Authority, Norges Bank Investment Management, Norsk Hydro, Advokatfirmaet Selmer, EY Norway and BAHR.
- Coffee and refreshments – welcome
- International legal framework for Responsible Business Conduct: status and developments
- Responsible Business Conduct in Norwegian law
- Roundtable – the point of view of: investors, multinational companies, the supervising authority
- Lunch
Download the programme.
The seminar is organised by The Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo and hosted by BAHR, and made possible thanks to the financial support of the University of Oslo (Research Group International Law and Governance, Oslo Center for Commercial Law, Lovsamlingsfondet and Privatrettsfondet), BI Norwegian Business School, EY Norway and the Norwegian law firm Selmer.
The seminar is organised in the occasion of the yearly meeting of GEDIP (Groupe européen de droit international privé), that in 2022 takes place in Oslo. GEDIP is a forum studying the interactions of private international law and European law in their broadest sense, and adopts recommendations for EU law. In the field of responsible business conduct, it has adopted a recommendation.