BAHR Energy Transition | Offshore Wind | Strategic impact assessments for the Sørvest F, Vestavind B and Vestavind F areas published

Today, 28 November 2024, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) published the strategic impact assessments for the Sørvest F, Vestavind B and Vestavind F areas, providing key information for the 2025 offshore wind competition round in Norway.  

In September last year, NVE was tasked by the Ministry of Energy to carry out strategic impact assessments of the extended Sørlige Nordsjø II-area (Sørvest F), Vestavind B and the extended Utsira Nord-area (Vestavind F) in preparation for the 2025 offshore wind competition round. Today, NVE published their assessments.

Our key take-aways

    1. NVE is of the view that opening the Vestavind B area (suitable for floating turbines) for offshore wind should be awaited until the strategic impact assessment for the other identified 17 offshore wind areas has been completed due to the high potential for conflicts with other stakeholders in the Vestavind B area (in particular the petroleum, shipping and aviation industries). NVE’s impact assessments of the remaining 17 areas are due June 2025 and the intent is that before opening the Vestavind B area it should be compared with the other potential offshore wind areas which may have less negative impact vis-à-vis other stakeholders.
    2. NVE is of the view that the extended SN-area, i.e. Sørvest F area (suitable for bottom fixed turbines) can be opened for competition next year for a project with permitted installed capacity of 1500 – 2100 MW. The opening of the Sørvest F area would allow for more flexibility for the location of the next project area within the extended SN-area but would only imply a small increase in the overall maximum capacity in the area (the SN II area is already opened for 3000 MW of which 1500 MW is awarded to Ventyr SN II AS). NVE is of the view that a decision to utilize the Sørvest F area beyond the second project area should be awaited until further impact assessments are made in particular on migratory birds and bats.

      NVE Sørvest F illustration: NVE illustration of proposal for locations of possible new project areas, assuming maximum utilization of the capacity in the Sørvest F Area. Note NVE proposes that only one of the blue shaded areas are awarded in 2025.
    3. NVE is of the view that the extended UN-area i.e. the Vestavind F area (suitable for floating turbines) can be opened for offshore wind, and the developed capacity in the area can be increased from today’s 1500 MW by an order of 500 – 750 MW either by opening for increased capacity in the three existing project areas or by establishing a new project area in the north of the Vestavind B area.

      NVE Vestavind F illustration (Utsira Nord extended area): NVE illustration of proposal for location for possible new project area (assuming maximum utilization of the capacity in the Vestavind F Area).

Along with NVE’s own assessment, a total of 20 underlying expert reports, prepared by relevant authorities including the Offshore Directorate and the Coastal Administration and external consultants serving as background material for NVE’s strategic impact assessments have been published.

The strategic impact assessments, along with the supplementing expert reports form a key pillar and essential information of the area which developers looking to participate in the 2025 offshore wind rounds should familiarize with.

The strategic impact assessment and the underlying scientific reports can be found here: Strategisk konsekvensutredning av identifiserte områder – NVE

Do not hesitate to contact your offshore wind contact in BAHR if you would like to discuss NVE’s strategic impact assessment and its implications further.

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